Minutes January 22, 2017


 Subject to approval and correction at the Board of Directors’ Meeting on FEBRUARY 19, 2017


MEMBER CONCERNS:      none                             

CALLED TO ORDER:  by Mark Sexton at 9:31 A.M.

PRESENT: Mark Sexton, Doug Cash, Leslie Dempsey, Gloria Maxwell

EXCUSED:  Tim Slater

VOTING STATUS:  All board members present are in good standing.  Quorum

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Leslie made a motion to approve the 11/20/16 BOD meeting minutes.  Gloria Seconded.  Cash abstained since he was absent. Passed.


Isaac Colgan introduced and gave a tour of the new website that he designed.   Cash made a motion to launch the new website that Isaac proposed.  Gloria seconded. Passed.


ADMINISTRATION:  Tim is absent



OPERATION:   Cash discussed the water tier structure and the possibility of charging per gallon versus tiers.  Would like to hold a meeting and hearing members suggestions especially preparing for next years budget.  Discussed members needing to put a lock on their hose bids if they are going to be gone.

There was discussion on a newsletter and everyone is to have their committee reports to Gloria by February 10th.  Cash talked to the county about coming to the island and sweeping the roads and seeing if there are more roads they will take on.  There have been kids up at the storage tanks.  Kevin is going to training at the end of the month. 

Unfinished Business: Discussed the process of hiring a part time operations trainee.  Cash made a motion to form a hiring committee for a part time operations trainee.  Leslie seconded.  Passed.  Cash, Mark and Leslie were appointed the hiring committee and will go over the job description and hiring process.  The goal is to have someone in place before the quarterly reports in April.

Leslie made a motion to transfer $45,000 from the operating account to the reserve account that was budgeted for 2016.  Cash seconded.  Passed.

Leslie discussed the water shut off notices.  Lot #50022, Lot #70026 and #100013 and #100014 are delinquent on their payment plans and water shut off notices have been posted for water to be shut off on 1/23/17. 

Leslie made a motion to shut off the water for lots #50022, #70026, #100013 & #100014.  Cash seconded.  Passed.

Leslie made a motion if lots #50032, #60001 & #60002 does not sign a payment plan and return it to the office with January’s payment by 1/26/17 the water will be shut off on 1/27/17.  The notice will be posted 1/23/17.   Gloria seconded.  Passed.


The next board meeting is scheduled for February 19, 2017 at 9:30 a.m.


Meeting Adjourned:  11:12 a.m.